

馬王系列 - 浪漫勇士之二

Series of Hong Kong Horse of the Year - Romantic Warrior II

Ink and color on golden cardboard

50 x 50m   2024

香港賽馬會委約 香港馬王獎項2024

Horse of the Year 2024 - Commissioned by Hong Kong Jockey Club



Dragons of Past Dynasties  

Ink and color on Chinese Paper

255 x 92cm   2023


The Way of the Dragon      Ink and color on Chinese Paper
41 x 47.5cm  2023
Charity Auction Work of Riding for the Disabled Association in Hong Kong

浪漫勇士 水墨設色金箋

Romantic Warrior   Ink and color on golden cardboard 

39cm×39cm   2023

private collection

馬王系列 - 金鎗六十之二  水墨設色金箋

香港賽馬會委約 告東尼獎2023

Series of Hong Kong Horse of the Year - Golden Sixty II

ink and color on golden cardboard  50 x 50cm  2023

Prize of Tony Cruz Award 2023 - Commissioned by Hong Kong Jockey Club


馬王系列-時時精綵  水墨設色金箋  私人收藏

Series of Hong Kong Horse of the Year - Exultant  Ink and color on golden cardboard    125 x 80cm   Private Collection

天下為攻 水墨設色紙本  私人收藏

IVICTORY   Chinese Ink and color on Chinese Paper  

91 x 121cm   Private Collection

午飯時間  水墨設色紙本 私人收藏

Lunch TimeInk and color on Chinese Paper

90 x 155cm  Private Collection


馬王系列 - 金鎗六十  水墨設色金箋  私人收藏
Series of Hong Kong Horse of the Year - Golden Sixty  
 ink and color on golden cardboard
67 x 67cm   Private Collection

賽馬日  水墨設色紙本  私人收藏

Horse Racing Day   Ink and color on Chinese Paper
154 x 122cm  Private Collection


好計  水墨設色金箋  私人收藏

TANGMERE    Ink and color on golden cardboard 

69 x 39 cm  Private Collection


湛江最醒  Zhan Jiang Rocks

湛江最醒II  Zhan Jiang RocksII 

湛江最醒III Zhan Jiang Rocks III

湛江最醒IV Zhan Jiang Rocks IV

湛江最醒V  Zhan Jiang Rocks V


雄心威龍  Ambitious Dragon

坦克  Tank

威爾頓  Designs On Rome

軍事出擊  Military Attack

美麗傳承  Beauty Generation

步步友  Able Friend

水墨設色金箋  私人收藏

Ink and color on golden cardboard
39 x 39cm   Private Collection



151 x 82 cm





Sweet Dream
 Ink and color on Chinese Paper
151 x 82 cm
 Private Collection
My work has always been about horse racing. One of the horses that I care most about is called " Rapper Dragon". A few years ago, he died in an accident during the race. The red date hood is his iconic symbol.
This horse has appeared in my work several times, because I always remember this former king of horses, which is gradually forgotten. In the painting, the unsaddled horse symbolizes the freedom to reconnect with me. With each creation and exhibition, I rethink our relationship, and the gallery-lined Hollywood Road becomes a place where we meet again and again.
Between the clouds and the mist, the busy streets become faded. The sleeping man holds his horse tightly, suggesting that this is a waking dream.


新皇   水墨設色紙本

 New King  Ink and color on Chinese paper

85 x 70 cm



​附言  水墨紙本

Postscript    Ink on Chinese paper  85 x 85 cm



水墨設色絹本  私人收藏

Image that can never be erased   Ink and color on Silk  

39.5 x 80 cm

 private collection

明天復是賽馬日  水墨設色絹本  私人收藏

Tomorrow is race day again

 Ink and color on Silk  

236 x 71 cm


 private collection



Inscriptions: I have been trying to do something for "Rapper Dragon" after its death.

Tomorrow is another racing day. Even though I know that painting cannot change anything,

​I still believe in art.